

  • 免疫学家
  • 免疫学者



  • 例句与用法
  • But now the reputation of this cul - de - sac in the human gut has been rehabilitated by a theory from a team of immunologists
  • Of course , immunologists also want to know what , if anything , these protein movements “ mean ” in the context of immune cell communication
  • Moncef zouali , an immunologist and molecular biologist , is a director of research at inserm , the french national institute for medical research
    曹利是一位免疫学家及分子生物学家,目前是法国国家卫生与医学研究院( inserm )的院长。
  • This rapidly advancing field is now bearing the fruits of interdisciplinary efforts by microbiologists , immunologists , cell biologists , geneticists and ecologists
  • A team led by locksley , an immunologist at the university of california san francisco , had previously traced the pathways involved in the body ' s immune response to bites from helminths , a common parasitic worm
  • Thus , immunologists have sought smaller molecules with the antigen - recognition capability of antibodies . the variable domains of the heavy ( h ) and light ( l ) chains are sufficient for antigen recognition but the non - covalent complex of the two variable domains ( fv ) is unstable . it is possible to genetically engineer a single - chain fv ( scfv ) with the h chain v region connected to the l chain v region via a 15 amino acid linker composed of serine and glycine amino acid residues
    二、日本血吸虫单克隆杭独特型抗体np30的单链狐( scf )的构建、表达及对balbic小鼠诱导保护性作用研究l 、日本血吸虫单克隆杭独特型抗体np0的单链抗体归cfv )的构建、表达通过pcr方法体外扩增并经测序验证的重链、轻链可变区( vh 、 vl )基因先后重组入原核表达质粒ptha90相应的位点上,中间通过一连接肽( gly在er ) 。
  • Show a va ccine s maximum duration of effectiveness . if you are a pet owner , you and your veterinarian should make the ultimate decision about which vaccines need to be given to your pet and how often they should be administered , according to dr . ronald d . schultz , a veterinary immunologist at the university of wisconsin - madison school of veterinary medicine
    美国威斯康辛大学麦迪森兽医学院的兽医免疫学者罗纳德舒尔兹博士ronald d . schultz表示,如果你有饲养宠物,那么你的宠物该施打何种疫苗以及多久施打一次,则必须由你及你的兽医师来决定。
  • Transplantation has been developed to an effctive strategy for treatment of end stage diseases of multiple organs since 1950 ' s . despite success of current immunosuppressive drugs , transplantation immunologists and surgeons are still seeking to achieve tolerance to allograft . there are several different mechanisms such as clonal deletion , anergy , neglect , immuno regulation . which maintain tolerance to self - antigen . some strategies , derived from these mechanisms has been proved to be encouraged in suppression of allograft rejection
  • If you are a pet owner , you and your veterinarian should make the ultimate decision about which vaccines need to be given to your pet and how often they should be administered , according to dr . ronald d . schultz , a veterinary immunologist at the university of wisconsin - madison school of veterinary medicine
    美国威斯康辛大学麦迪森兽医学院的兽医免疫学者罗纳德舒尔兹博士ronald d . schultz表示,如果你有饲养宠物,那么你的宠物该施打何种疫苗以及多久施打一次,则必须由你及你的兽医师来决定。
  • 英文解释
  • a medical scientist who specializes in immunology

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
immunologist的中文翻译,immunologist是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译immunologist,immunologist的中文意思,immunologist的中文immunologist in Chineseimmunologist的中文immunologist怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
