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用"immunizations"造句"immunizations"怎么读"immunizations" in a sentence


  • (immunization 的复数) n. 免疫
  • [医] 免疫法
  • "shots, immunizations" 中文翻译 :    打针,免疫
  • "immunizations,active" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunizations,Active ; [入口词] Immunizations,Active ; [主题词] Vaccination ; [英文释义] Administration of vaccines to stimulate the host's immune response. This includes any preparation intended for active immunological prophylaxis.
  • "immunization,secondary" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunization,Secondary ; [主题词] Immunization,Secondary ; [同义词] Immunization,Booster ; [入口词] Secondary Immunization ; [入口词] Booster Immunization ; [入口词] Booster Immunizations ; [入口词] Immunizations,Booster ; [入口词] Immunizations,Secondary ; [入口词] Secondary Immunizations ; [中文释义] 免疫接种,加强 ; [英文释义] Any immunization following a primary immunization and involving exposure to the same or a closely related antigen.
  • "immunizations,booster" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunizations,Booster ; [入口词] Immunizations,Booster ; [主题词] Immunization,Secondary ; [英文释义] Any immunization following a primary immunization and involving exposure to the same or a closely related antigen.
  • "immunization,passive" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunization,Passive ; [主题词] Immunization,Passive ; [同义词] Immunoglobulin Therapy ; [同义词] Immunotherapy,Passive ; [同义词] Normal Serum Globulin Therapy ; [同义词] Passive Antibody Transfer ; [同义词] Passive Transfer of Immunity ; [同义词] Serotherapy ; [入口词] Passive Immunotherapy ; [入口词] Therapy,Immunoglobulin ; [入口词] Antibody Transfer,Passive ; [入口词] Antibody Transfers,Passive ; [入口词] Immunizations,Passive ; [入口词] Immunoglobulin Therapies ; [入口词] Immunotherapies,Passive ; [入口词] Passive Antibody Transfers ; [入口词] Passive Immunization ; [入口词] Passive Immunizations ; [入口词] Passive Immunotherapies ; [入口词] Serotherapies ; [入口词] Therapies,Immunoglobulin ; [入口词] Transfer,Passive Antibody ; [入口词] Transfers,Passive Antibody ; [中文释义] 免疫法,被动 ; [英文释义] Transfer of immunity from immunized to non-immune host by administration of serum antibodies,or transplantation of lymphocytes (ADOPTIVE TRANSFER).
  • "immunizations,mass" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunizations,Mass ; [入口词] Immunizations,Mass ; [主题词] Mass Immunization ; [英文释义] Administration of an antigen to large populations in order to produce an immune response to that antigen.
  • "immunization,mass" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunization,Mass ; [入口词] Immunization,Mass ; [主题词] Mass Immunization ; [英文释义] Administration of an antigen to large populations in order to produce an immune response to that antigen.
  • "immunizations,passive" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunizations,Passive ; [入口词] Immunizations,Passive ; [主题词] Immunization,Passive ; [英文释义] Transfer of immunity from immunized to non-immune host by administration of serum antibodies,or transplantation of lymphocytes (ADOPTIVE TRANSFER).
  • "immunization,booster" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunization,Booster ; [同义词] Immunization,Booster ; [主题词] Immunization,Secondary ; [中文释义] 免疫接种,强化 ; [英文释义] Any immunization following a primary immunization and involving exposure to the same or a closely related antigen.
  • "immunizations,secondary" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunizations,Secondary ; [入口词] Immunizations,Secondary ; [主题词] Immunization,Secondary ; [英文释义] Any immunization following a primary immunization and involving exposure to the same or a closely related antigen.
  • "immunization,active" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Immunization,Active ; [同义词] Immunization,Active ; [主题词] Vaccination ; [中文释义] 免疫接种,主动 ; [英文释义] Administration of vaccines to stimulate the host's immune response. This includes any preparation intended for active immunological prophylaxis.


  • Appropriate immunization against tetanus must be given to all patients with full thickness burn injury .
  • Care should also be exercised in the immunization of children with a family history of an allergic diathesis .
  • The fall in incidence of whooping cough in the very young is directly related to widespread immunization with suitability .
  • Control measures based on the cause of the problem may include slaughter quarantine, environmental sanitation, and immunization .
  • Wasn't he doing immunization work in south america
  • A case study on the side effects caused by immunization
  • Evaluation on polio mopping-up immunization in zhanjiang city
  • Surveillance of routine immunization in shaoxin county
  • Advisory committee on immunization meets today
  • Aerodynamic gene gun for dna immunization
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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