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  • Or lc . v . suppressed both sws and rems but increased w , and the effects showed dose dependence . moreover , the relatively smaller dose of icv injected l - name suppressed sleep and a higher systemically admistered dose was effective ( 20 times more than the former ) , which suggested that the site of the sleep - suppressing action of l - name is central
    同时发现,经侧脑室注射较小剂量就能发挥作用,而经外周用药,则需较大剂量( 20倍于前者)才能显示作用,推测可能外周大剂量注射l - name后,其通过血脑屏障的量相对较多, l - name在中枢抑制nos而发挥作用,说明l - name抑制睡眠的作用是中枢性的,并且呈剂量相关关系。
  • The icv provides protected transport for an infantry squad and direct fire support during the dismounted assault . the icv carries a 9 - man squad and retains the capability to provide effective supporting fire to the squad while it is dismounted . the primary design of the iav has two variants : the infantry carrier vehicle and the mobile gun system
    美军装备的“斯崔克” icv ,是新组建的中型旅主要作战装备,能够完整的输送一个步兵班,驾驶员车长,及后舱的9名步兵,除可以提供行进中的保护外,还能为下车作战提供直接的火力支援,使用的顶置武器站可以根据任务而改变,可选择的武器: m2hb 12 . 7mm机枪, mk - 19 40mm榴弹机枪。


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