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用"icall"造句"icall"怎么读"icall" in a sentence


  • 智能计算机辅助语言学习


  • So , it shields the heterogeneity of background systems . icall - aldp makes it easier and more efficient for application layer development in icall system
    Icall - aldp的实现为icall呼叫中心应用层的开发者屏蔽了后端系统的复杂性,降低了应用开发的难度,提高了开发的效率。
  • Based on the deeply study of icall system application layer , this paper presents an call center application layer development platform , icall - aldp , which is based on icall system
    本文在对icall呼叫中心平台应用层深入分析的基础上,结合基于构件化的思想,提出了一个呼叫中心应用层开发平台icall - aldp模型并实现。
  • By adopting the layered architecture , two - lever state machine , message queue based publish / subscribe pattern and rules expressed in xml , by using technologies involved in activex , xml and distributed components , icall - aldp provides application developer with supports as rule - based flow process , asynchronism and concurrent message process , external system communication - oriented protocol - transform , and dynamic expand of components
    通过使用activex控件的动态加载机制、连接外部系统的通信协议转换机制和基于元数据的柔性机制,增强了平台的可扩展性。在设计和实现中采用了activex 、 xml 、设计模式以及分布式构件等技术,实现了基于规则的流程处理、支持并发与异步的消息处理以及构件动态扩展的功能。
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