This benchmark is not perfect, and it was only run on two systems a dual xeon with hyperthreading running linux, and a single-processor windows system, but should be good enough to suggest that 这个评测并不完美,而且只在两个系统上运行了(一个是双xeon运行超线程linux,另一个是单处理器windows系统),但是,应当足以表现
The memory barrier performance of a single intel p4 with hyperthreading two processor cores on one die is faster than with two p4s, and both have different performance characteristics than sparc 一个超线程(一个模具上有两个处理器核心)intelp4的内存壁垒性能(memorybarrierperformance)要快于两个p4,而两者的性能特征又不同于sparc。
For windows testing, domino 7 was set up as a single-partition clustered server on an eserver xseries 360, and a compaq proliant dl580 server running windows 2003 enterprise server with two real processors, no hyperthreading, and with approximately 3.5 gb of available memory 对于windows测试,domino7安装在eserverxseries360上的单一分区的集群服务器上,一台compaqproliantdl580服务器运行的是windows2003enterpriseserver,这台服务器带有两个物理的处理器,没有超线程,还有大约3.5gb的可用内存。