

  • 海曼铝合金
  • 希曼
  • 伊曼



  • 例句与用法
  • Usa ' s misty hyman , among other swimmers , had utilized an extended underwater start prior to the restriction
  • Time is changing , but the spirit of hyman east translation is constant , which is to strive for perfection , and to promote the international cooperation and communication
  • While agreeing with this basic analysis , noted long time csicop psychic debunker ray hyman suggested the results were not enough on their own , and a wider data set was required
    而当与这个基础分析形成一致意见之后,著名的超常现象科学调查委员会( csicop )的长期精神分析专家雷海曼暗示了他们自己的结果并不足够,需要更广泛的数据。
  • Apoplexy may lead to disability or beath , is known to be verydangerecus for hyman health . inclinical data , apoplexy is shown to be preventable or curable . the thesis presents the mechansm and the method to avoid the internal infury leading impairment or to the death . morbidity and internal cauce are shown to be the major factors , responsible for the deseace . apoplexy is happening and changing are shown to relate to the age , blood pressuce , mentalith , climate , feeling etc , among which , high blood pressure is shown to the culpril inducing apoplexy
    卒中是可以预防或推延发病的,唯需“未病先防,既病防变” ,始可收效.其病因机制是“内伤积损颓败” ,强调内因是主要的,有时是综合因素致病.其发生和变化与年龄、血压、代谢、气候、情绪、饮食等有密切的关系.尤其高血压是诱发卒中的元凶,预防卒中的关键在高血压、小中风、高血脂症等的防治
  • Over - indebtedness and deflation to financial market turbulence ( irving fisher , 193 3 ) , uncertainty and expectation to economic turmoil ( john maynard keynes , 1936 ) , the financial instability hypothesis to the fragility of finance ( hyman rminsky , 1982 ) and " manias , panics and crashes - a history of financial crises " written by charles p . kindleberger ( 1978 ) to provide a history frame for his crises study
    还有金德尔伯格所著的《过热、恐慌及崩溃?金融危机史》 ,从史学的角度提供了研究金融危机的框架,利用历史展示他重要的理论思想。在近20年中诞生了三代以研究货币危机为主的金融危机的模型,用于解释现代金融危机的生成和传导。
  • At beginning of chapter one , since there is no generally accepted definition of financial stability , i give my definition of financial stability as the stable functioning of the intermediaries and markets that make up the financial system , and it is quite different from monetary stability , bank soundness , financial crisis and the same etc . the classical economics such as " debt - liquidation theory " by irving fisher and " financial instability hypothesis " by hyman minsky does not provide rich set of paradigms for analyzing the nature and consequences of financial instability
    金融稳定是金融机构的稳健经营和资产市场的平稳运行。它与货币稳定、银行稳定、金融危机等相关概念有着很大区别,不能够混为一谈。传统经济学对金融稳定的理论阐述主要有irvingfisher ( 1933 )的债务?紧缩理论和hymanminsky ( 1972 , 1985 , 1991 )的金融不稳定假说等。
  • 其他语种释义
  • hymanとは意味:{名} : 《ギリシャ神話》ハイマン、結婚の神 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {人名} : ハイマン◆男
  • 推荐英语阅读
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