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  • Monsieur gabelle was the postmaster , and some other taxing functionary united ; he had come out with great obsequiousness to assist at this examination , and had held the examined by the drapery of his arm in an official manner
  • Nleg manages 3 fields of shoe material , textile and chemical industry , involving 7 items of shoe , garment , bag , car inner drapery , cap and hand sleeves , sports , medical appliance , special textile , etc . materials
  • From every window in the streets through which he had passed draperies and flags with his monogram had been hanging , and polish ladies had been waving handkerchiefs to welcome him . at dinner he sat balashov beside him , and addressed him affably
  • Just then , madame de villefort , in the act of slipping on her dressing - gown , threw aside the drapery and for a moment stood motionless , as though interrogating the occupants of the room , while she endeavored to call up some rebellious tears
  • The crimson curtain hung before the arch : slight as was the separation this drapery formed from the party in the adjoining saloon , they spoke in so low a key that nothing of their conversation could be distinguished beyond a soothing murmur
  • The glamour of inexperience is over your eyes , he answered ; and you see it through a charmed medium : you cannot discern that the gilding is slime and the silk draperies cobwebs ; that the marble is sordid slate , and the polished woods mere refuse chips and scaly bark
  • This ruddy shine issued from the great dining - room , whose two - leaved door stood open , and showed a genial fire in the grate , glancing on marble hearth and brass fire - irons , and revealing purple draperies and polished furniture , in the most pleasant radiance
  • The head was finished already : there was but the background to tint and the drapery to shade off ; a touch of carmine , too , to add to the ripe lips - a soft curl here and there to the tresses - a deeper tinge to the shadow of the lash under the azured eyelid
  • Folds of scarlet drapery shut in my view to the right hand ; to the left were the clear panes of glass , protecting , but not separating me from the drear november day . at intervals , while turning over the leaves of my book , i studied the aspect of that winter afternoon
  • Above the temples , amidst wreathed turban folds of black drapery , vague in its character and consistency as cloud , gleamed a ring of white flame , gemmed with sparkles of a more lurid tinge . this pale crescent was the likeness of a kingly crown ; what it diademed was the shape which shape had none
    在两鬓之上,黑色缠头布的皱裥中,射出了一圈如云雾般变幻莫测的白炽火焰,镶嵌着红艳艳的火星,这苍白的新月是“王冠的写真” ,为“无形之形”加冕。
  • It's difficult to see drapery in a sentence. 用drapery造句挺难的
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