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  • A great significance of this article is that it changes the branch and bound algorithm and backtracking algorithm into application examples of the generic search algorithm of optimal problems advanced in this article
  • Enforced hill - climbing with backtracks can use the last searching results when enforced hill - climbing fails , so it is more fit for ff . helpful action ordering can save the time used by enforce hill - climbing through ordering the helpful actions
  • And would not bother parsing " color red . " perl 6 grammars have commit directives that specify that the current word , alternative , grammar rule , or everything up to the match operator is not to be backtracked after it matches
    Perl 6语法中包含一些提交指令,它们可以指定当前的单词、选择、语法规则或者一切内容,这取决于匹配操作符找到匹配的对象之后是否将被回溯。
  • The solution programs can employ several methods , but the most common is backtracking , a systematic form of trial and error in which partial solutions are proposed and then modified slightly as soon as they are proved wrong
  • In order to handle the subgraph isomorphism problem , the concept of individuals with state backtracking was proposed , where the state information of some potential individuals produced during the evolution were preserved , which contributed to the design of genetic operators
  • Searching of the state space is always being one of the usual ways for solving the optimal problems . the traditional ways of finding solutions only have backtracking , branch - and - bound and implicit graphs search as their theoretical introduction
  • The test vector set of the circuit can be obtained through constructing a test bdd . compared with the traditional algorithms , this method avoids enormous backtracking process . the second application is the network reliability based on bdd
  • Because of inablity of the handling dead end state , ff does not perform ideally in some planning problem domains such as gripper . in this paper , a new searching method enforced hill - climbing with backtracks is used , and a new method of helpful action ordering is presented
    但是, ff规划算法所采用的搜索方法和规划图的使用上都存在很大不足,使得ff规划算法在某些规划问题域中,特别是含有死点状态的问题域中表现不够理想。
  • Setting up a qualified bibliographic - related database is critical to the normal operation of the whole tasks of libraries , the article tells about the difficulties and solution during the backtracking , and gives the details about the procedures , the principles it should follow and the problems we should pay attention to
  • It's difficult to see backtracking in a sentence. 用backtracking造句挺难的
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