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  • The year was 1736 and as john became a teen he became the most uncouth of men
    ?的慈爱, ?的赦免,使我今天得以完全。
  • People turned to look after him , so uncouth was his shambling figure
  • Others see us as overly materialistic , somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces
  • I admit the mayor is somewhat uncouth in his manner , but he ' s a king to his predecessor
  • Hmmpff . a rude remark . i shouldn ' t have expected more , from an uncouth person such as you
  • Mr samak , abrasive and uncouth , may prove an even more divisive prime minister than mr thaksin
  • She feared that the young boys about would address such remarks to her - boys who , beside drouet , seemed uncouth and ridiculous
  • She went away weeping audibly , and he felt a pang of sorrow shoot through him at sight of her heavy body and uncouth gait
  • Gabbles of geese . they swarmed loud , uncouth about the temple , their heads thickplotting under maladroit silk hats
  • Many understand well that one ca n ' t be too courteous but still choose to remain uncouth just because they find it hard to display courtesy
  • It's difficult to see uncouth in a sentence. 用uncouth造句挺难的
  • On that side of the track is ah sing roy chiao , uncouth , unkempt , a garage repairman , a bravado with plenty of tricks up his overall sleeve
  • She was too absorbed in striving to reconcile the stumbling , uncouth speech and its simplicity of thought with what she saw in his face
  • Me sits there with his augur s rod of ash , in borrowed sandals , by day beside a livid sea , unbeheld , in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars
  • With its huge , uncouth , gnarled arms and fingers sprawling unsymmetrically , it stood an aged , angry , and scornful monster among the smiling birches
  • The pathway among the woods seemed wilder , more uncouth with its rude natural obstacles and less trodden by the foot of man than he remembered it on his outward journey
  • He did not wear the gondolier s blouse : only the knitted blue jersey . he was a little wild , uncouth and proud . so he was hireling to the rather doggy giovanni who was hireling again to two women
  • You and i are living in a very conflicted world today and weve lost a lot of our gentleness in everyday living . a lot of relationships are brutal ; uncouth , crude , and insulting
  • Its uncouth , its not classy , it isnt cool , its just for people who dont have enough sense and enough ability to hold the tongue , and they just say whatever they think at the moment and thats foul language
  • It was love that had worked the revolution in him , changing him from an uncouth sailor to a student and an artist ; therefore , to him , the finest and greatest of the three , greater than learning and artistry , was love
  • The huntsman standing in the hollow started off and let his dogs go , and nikolay saw the red , uncouth - looking fox hurrying along close to the ground , with its bushy tail , through the green corn . the dogs bore down on it
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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