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  • Commonly referred to as the gita , it is a conversation between krishna and arjuna which takes place on a battlefield , just prior to the start of a climactic war
  • He is most famously identified with his avatars , or incarnations of god , most especially krishna and rama . additionally , another important name for vishnu is narayana
  • On krishna s birthday , the streets of katmandu were filled with news about supreme master ching hai s " feast of beauty " . the exhibition was held on the same day
  • Teenagers , adults and the aged stood in long lines with garlands and bowls of milk to feed the idols of lord shiva , lord krishna and the elephant - headed lord ganesha
  • Teenagers , adults and the aged stood in long lines with garlands and bowls of milk to feed the idols of lord shiva , lord krishna and the elephant - headed lord ganesha
  • Teenagers , adults and the aged stood in long lines with garlands and bowls of milk to feed the idols of lord shiva , lord krishna and the elephant - headed lord ganesha
  • Balarama - in hinduism , balarama ( phonetically balarma - his other names include baladeva , balabhadra and halayudha ) is the name of the elder brother of sri krishna
    巴拉胡米? ?在印度教,巴拉胡米(他的其他名字包括巴拉拉婆,巴拉哈达和哈拉瑜哈)是师利克里希纳(奎师那)的长兄。
  • During holi celebrants toss clouds of powdered pigments in shades of indigo , magenta , and saffron to celebrate the passion of hindu god krishna for his lover , radha
  • Over the past several centuries , the big three spiritual leaders have been the lords christ , krishna and buddha , whose stories and teachings are curiously and confoundingly similar to each other
  • I returned coke bottles for the five - cent deposits to buy food with , and i would walk the seven miles across town every sunday night to get one good meal a week at the hare krishna temple
  • It's difficult to see krishna in a sentence. 用krishna造句挺难的
  • The splendid efforts of justice p n bhagwati and justice v r krishna iyer were instrumental of this juristic revolution of eighties to convert the apex court of india into a supreme court for all indians
  • George harrison ' s family plan to immerse the ashes of the beatle guitarist who died last week in the sacred ganges river following a private ceremony , a spokesman for the hare krishna movement said on monday
  • Since the first day of the exhibition happened to be lord krishna s birthday , it was a national holiday . local people brought along their families and friends to the exhibition to enjoy master s works of art
    画展的第一天,正是当地圣人krishna god的诞辰,全国休假一天,所以当地的人皆扶老携幼和朋友同学一同来观赏师父画展。
  • The play , performed throughout india during holi , recounts the love story of hindu god krishna and the common cowherd radha . for hindus , the fable represents human longing for the divine
  • Nimbarka , a telugu brahman of the 12th or 13th century , spread the cult of the divine cowherd and his favourite gopi ( cowherdess , especially associated with the legends of krishna ' s youth ) , radha
  • During the conversation , krishna proclaims that he is god himself ( bhagavan ) , and at the request of arjuna , displays his divine form , which is described as timeless , that leaves the latter awestruck
    对话当中,奎师那就会声称他自己就是神自己(博伽梵) ,依照阿尔诸那的请求,陈述出他自己的神性形态,描述成是永恒,引起了后来的敬畏。
  • On one hand this seems adulterous , whereas on the other hand , as expansions of krishna , all husbands are part and parcel of krishna and therefore ultimately krishna is indirectly married to all wives
  • Certain vaishnava legends , especially those referring to the infant krishna , bearsome resemblance to those of christianity , and claims have been made by both hinduism and christianity that the one influenced the other
  • Lord krishna , the possessor of all opulence said : the learned know that abandonmenting of activities inspired by fruitive desire is renunciation and the experienced say relinguishing the results of all actions is renunciation
  • These were krishna , the hero of the mahabharata , who also begins to appear in his pastoral aspect as the cowherd and flute player , and the divine boar ( varaha ) , of whom several impressive images survive from the gupta period
    克里希那, 《摩诃婆罗多》的英雄,也开始作为牧童和吹长笛的人的面貌而出现,笈多时期有几个印象深刻的克里希那肖像被保存了下来。
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