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ivy league造句

"ivy league"是什么意思  
  • The ceremony , which will be held this thursday , has become an ivy league tradition , with nobel prize winners on hand to salute the winners
  • Couples who place these ads assume that if a young woman attends an ivy league school , then she will likely pass on her academic ability to her offspring
  • Now , like an ivy league school , it is starting to look for more well - rounded candidates , like those who have published books or started their own clubs
  • Largest collection of tidewater glaciers - sixteen of them , named after ivy league colleges by the har riman expedition that discovered them in 1899
  • The program is particularly popular among the most famous us universities , with around 8 % of the students in ivy league universities applying to join the program
  • Princeton takes the top spot in the latest u . s . news & world report college rankings , breaking a three - year tie for no . 1 with ivy league rival harvard
  • Couples who place these ads assume that if a young woman attends an ivy league school , then she will likely pass on her academic ability to her offspring
  • Perhaps trying to convince the world that his epic poem , the divine comedy , is not just for ivy league intellectuals but for the common man and woman on life ' s journey
  • Student who is accepted as an exchange student in one of the ivy league universities in the u . s . through a faculty , college or university exchange programme in the coming academic year for a term or a year
  • Among the ivory tower set , columbia university , that august ivy league institution that is now marking its 250th anniversary , may be lighting the way for other centers of learning
  • It's difficult to see ivy league in a sentence. 用ivy league造句挺难的
  • A full professor at a top british university gets around ? 45 , 000 ( $ 80 , 000 ) a year ; his equivalent at an american ivy league college can expect twice as much , and a lot more if he is a big name
    英国顶级大学的全职教授,年薪大约45000英镑(合80000美元) ;而在美国的常春藤联盟校,却可以拿到二倍的收入,如果是个著名学者,还会多得多。
  • The second season of nbc ' s smash hit , " the apprentice , " will this time feature 18 candidates from all walks of life , including both ivy league mba graduates and street entrepreneurs with no college education
  • The second season of nbc ' s smash hit , " the apprentice , " will this time feature 18 candidates from all walks of life , including both ivy league mba graduates and street entrepreneurs with no college education
  • So too have most of the old " branch campuses . " a recent study of american ceo s has shown that fewer have ivy league degrees than before ; nearly half of the fortune 100 ceo s received their educations at the state universities
  • However , when she comes to his house for their first face - to - face , she isn t refined , isn t ivy league , and isn t even a lawyer . instead , it s charlene , a prison escapee who s proclaiming her innocence and wants peter to help her clear her name
  • Harvard business school said on last week it is rejecting applications from 119 would - be students who it says hacked into a web site to learn if they were accepted at the ivy league university ahead of the official notification
  • Boston , massachusetts ( ap ) - - the percentage of women hired for tenured positions at harvard university ' s faculty of arts and sciences has declined each year since 2000 , prompting a group of professors to complain that the ivy league school ' s leadership isn ' t doing enough
  • Two former ivy league presidents weighed in last year with an influential statistical study which attempted to prove that affirmative - action programmes succeeded not only in fostering diversity but also in integrating the highest levels of the professional world
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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