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full stop造句

"full stop"是什么意思  
  • This brought me to a full stop , and if fortune had not again particularly favoured me , i should have had to abandon my design
  • Twenty minutes later the gloucester , hit by several bombes , was brought to full stop , badly on fire , and with her upper deck a shambles
    二十分钟后, “格罗斯特”号连中炸弹数枚,立即停航,舰上烈火熊熊,上层甲板尸骸枕藉。
  • The british tend to use a comma for each line of the address until it reaches an end with a full stop , while americans write without punctuation
  • Rogara s special serivce was won the clients certification and trust , and draw a satisfactory full stop for every company contract
  • But inadequate illumination also ranks high : headlights provide about 50 meters of visibility on a dark road , but it takes nearly 110 meters to come to a full stop from 100 kilometers per hour
  • Then zhang yingying , the minister of technology part , made a good summary she reviewed the past and prospected the club ' s braw foreground , drew a satisfactory full stop for this pageant
  • Three sharks use their flexible bodies to lay out a comma , a full stop and a question mark during a public performance at an aquatic park in fuzhou , south china ' s fujian province december 30 , 2006
    12月30日,在福州市水族公园的一场动物表演中, 3只鲨鱼用它们柔韧的身体摆出了“逗号” 、 “句号”和“问号” 。
  • The earth carried us and moved round the sun once , at the speed of 30km per second , drawing a beautiful full stop in the great universe , declaring the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007
  • Whether the witch had read the minister s thoughts , or no , she came to a full stop , looked shrewdly into his face , smiled craftily , and - though little given to converse with clergymen - began a
  • In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence , a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats
  • It's difficult to see full stop in a sentence. 用full stop造句挺难的
  • The chairman of the committee of army regulations is a friend of minem . magnitsky , he said , articulating fully every word and every syllable , and , if you wish it , i can make you acquainted with him . he paused at the full stop
    “军事条令委员会主任是我的一位好朋友马格尼茨基先生, ”他说,他把每个音节和每个词都说得清清楚楚, “若是您愿意,我可以领您去和他认识一下。
  • In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence , a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats , takacs " achievement tests the imagination
  • To add " based on the principle of helping those who are genuinely in need , and not to consider the following three recommendations : reviewing and relaxing the requirement for elders to apply for comprehensive social security allowance on a household basis ; reviewing the arrangement for offsetting the long service payment or severance payment by the accrued benefits derived from the contribution of the employers made to his her employees in the mandatory provident fund schemes ; and considering providing a universal retirement protection for the elderly " immediately before the full stop
    在"促请政府"之后加上"基于协助真正有需要人士的原则"及在紧接句号之前加上" ,及不应考虑下列3项建议:一检讨和放宽长者须以家庭为单位申请综援的规定二检讨雇主根据强积金计划为雇员作出供款所得的累算权益可用作抵销长期服务金或遣散费款额的安排及三考虑为长者提供全民退休保障" 。
  • This case , with the help of the centre of pollutes victim ‘ s law to help in china university of political science & law not only to offer a free lawyer to act for outside , but also to pay some court cost and authentication cost , was brought a suit to intermediate people ‘ s court of ningde of fujian province on will it be november 7 2002 . lasting the long course of 4 years , it drew the full stop winning tentatively on april 15 , 2005 finally
  • [ guangzhou hsc advisory stem cell site ] in october 2006 by the organization of the broad masses of netizens spontaneously love qianxinan union formally established , which has experienced many ups and downs , and countless days and nights of hard work , sweat , and in september 2007 draw a full stop , because jerry laoshushi to a union 99 % of the data suffer
    2006年10月在由广大网友自发组织的黔西南州爱心联盟正式成立,其间经历了很多风风雨雨,无数个日日夜夜的辛劳和汗水,在2007年9月划上了句号,因为某几粒老鼠屎让联盟99 %的数据遭殃。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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