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  • Although they offer convenient service and many kinds of products , the majority cannot be accepted by net denizen . why
  • Many denizens of the land of mists scoff at religion , believing that the deities have long since ceased to care about mortal concerns
  • He then became a denizen of the team training facility , working on his shot as june slipped into july , and then into august and september
  • From the towering big thunder mountain to the majestic flow of the rivers of america , encounters await with cowboys , cancan dancers , gold miners and other denizens of the old west
  • In cold - water regions , the most famous denizen is the white shark , which is famous for patrolling the temperate coasts of south australia , south africa and the west coast of north america
  • Charting two newcomers who escaped violence back home , they settle in with the denizens in this earthly hell to only face the wrath of the ex - cop who holds the area hostage
    紧凑的节奏不时给菲国流行歌手yoyoy villame打断,为情节弹唱闲闲几句评头品足,风情很后现代,风味很许冠杰。
  • Their complex operation and course bring net denizen inconvenience . in addition , it has security risk , for example , the electronic order is not signed and the deal can be denied
  • As an important water supply resource of beijing , groundwater is getting polluted and its quality is becoming worse and worse , which brings a hidden trouble for living water of the denizen
  • Hornets 14 - 22 first it was a blizzard of season - wrecking injuries , then an actual blizzard . the poor denizens of okc haven ' t exactly been rewarded for their fervent hornets support
    黄蜂14胜22负,首先这是开季的暴风雪- -受伤,然后新奥尔良又真的有暴风雪。新奥尔良可怜的居民给黄蜂队足够的炽热的的支持并得不到主队确切的回报!
  • The production not only avails the local denizens a glimpse of the refined performing art of indoor puppetry , but the northern wind / gong accompaniment further highlights the sensation of a festive ambience in open - air puppet theater
  • It's difficult to see denizen in a sentence. 用denizen造句挺难的
  • They liked to imagine the inhabitants of the new continent “ as denizens of a golden age of sylvan innocence , or as implausibly superior savages ? moral exempla for the implicit chastisement of civilised vice
    后者乐于见到新大陆的居住者是“森林精灵黄金时代的居民,或是难以置信的高等蛮人? ?作为例证,说明了对受过教化的恶习不容置疑的惩罚” 。
  • Lhote ' s round - headed denizens of the red planet were depicted by the primitive cave artists as wearing suits strongly reminiscent of those worn by our own astronauts on the moon , down to the detail of the boots
  • Lhote ' s round - headed denizens of the red planet were depicted by the primitive cave artists as wearing suits strongly reminiscent of those worn by our own astronauts on the moon , down to the detail of the boots
  • A photographer travels on bicycles to a barren landscape of fields and huts to claim his inheritance . but the bizarre , unfriendly denizens there hint at something more sinister , and soon a kafka - esque murder mystery is underway
  • We have recently been hearing much maudlin sympathy expressed for the “ downtrodden denizens of the sweatshop ” and the “ homeless wanderer searching for the honest employment , ” and with it all often go many hard words for the men in power
  • Especially this summer , hollywood ' s release schedule of family - oriented , cute fables - - chock - a - block with cartoon denizens from both the worlds of domesticated farm animals and woodland creatures have been flying into theaters
  • The denizens were all enjoying the usual afternoon nap of an hour or so which the exceedingly early hours kept in summer - time rendered a necessity . at the door the wood - hooped pails , sodden and bleached by infinite scrubbings , hung like hats on a stand upon the forked and peeled limb of an oak fixed there for that purpose ; all of them ready and dry for the evening milking . angel entered , and went through the silent passages of the house to the back quarters , where he listened for a moment
  • Based on the current situation of chinese housing mortgage loan insurance , a comprehensive system of housing mortgage loan insurance , which caters for the different consumers " demands for insurance , is put forward by the author . this system includes : housing mortgage loan insurance institution of government credit guarantee for the denizens of humble income and general income ; commercial housing mortgage loan insurance institution of having diversiform insurance fashions for the denizens of general income and booming income ; and bonding institution of government credit guarantee for promoting housing mortgage loan to securitization
  • A pleasant land it is in sooth of murmuring waters , fishful streams where sport the gunnard , the plaice , the roach , the halibut , the gibbed haddock , the grilse , the dab , the brill , the flounder , the mixed coarse fish generally and other denizens of the aqueous kingdom too numerous to be enumerated
  • Based on the questionnaire data which our study group about the ageing of jiao dong did at 2006 8 - 9 , in three denizen section of xiangyang street in yantai , this paper used the methods of social networks , discussed the difference between family network and outside family network about old folks in city . our viewpoint is that there is strong difference between family network and outside family network about old folks in city
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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