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  • There was an iciness , a sinking , a sickening of the heart - an unredeemed torture into aught of the sublime
  • Neither do thou imagine that i shall contrive aught against his life ; no , nor against his fame , if , as i judge , he be a man of fair repute
  • Your master himself may be beyond the british channel , for aught you know : and then , if he is at thornfield hall , towards which you hasten , who besides him is there
  • But the learning knight would not hear say nay nor do her mandement ne have him in aught contrarious to his list and he said how it was a marvellous castle
    然而学生骑士既不容旅人说一“否”字,不允许旅人违背己意,对妇人之谴责更充耳不闻乃曰: “那是座何等神奇之城堡。 ”
  • I don t think she can ever have been pretty ; but , for aught i know , she may possess originality and strength of character to compensate for the want of personal advantages
  • All events , the health of the good town of boston , so far as medicine had aught to do with it , had hitherto lain in the guardianship of an aged deacon and apothecary , whose piety and godly
  • On this occasion , up to the moment of putting his lips to the old woman s ear , mr . dimmesdale , as the great enemy of souls would have it , could recall no text of scripture , nor aught else , except a brief ,
  • " why , that is the very worst offence they could possibly commit ; for , don t you see , ren e , the king is the father of his people , and he who shall plot or contrive aught against the life and safety of the parent of thirty - two millions of souls , is a parricide upon a fearfully great scale ?
    难道您不明白吗,蕾妮,君为民父,凡是任何阴谋或计划想推翻或谋杀三千二百万人民之父的生命和安全的人,不就是一个更坏的弑父逆子吗? ”
  • The listed company profits dividend , as a signal , which is aught to have influence on the anticipations of the investors during the gaming process . so as to affect the development of the listed company , the structure of the share - holders , the share price and the market
  • He said of it : that stony effigy in frozen music , horned and terrible , of the human form divine , that eternal symbol of wisdom and prophecy which if aught that the imagination or the hand of sculptor has wrought in marble of soultransfigured and of soultransfiguring deserves to live , deserves to live
    杰杰奥莫洛伊字斟句酌地说下去: “他是这么说的:那座堪称为冻结的音乐191的石像,那个长了犄角的可怕的半神半人的形象192 ,那智慧与预言的永恒象征。
  • It's difficult to see aught in a sentence. 用aught造句挺难的
  • He was rather too indulgent in humouring her caprices ; not from affection , but from pride : he wished earnestly to see her bring honour to the family by an alliance with the lintons , and as long as she let . him alone she might trample us like slaves , for aught he cared
  • I telled mary how it would be , he said : i knew what mr . edward john was an old servant , and had known his master when he was the cadet of the house , therefore , he often gave him his christian name - i knew what mr . edward would do ; and i was certain he would not wait long neither : and he s done right , for aught i know
    “我告诉过玛丽,事情会怎么样, ”他说, “我知道爱德华先生”约翰是个老佣人,他的主人还是幼子的时候他就认识他了。因此他常常用教名称呼他“我知道爱德华先生会怎么干。
  • The only way i know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little coner of the universe , and that for aught we know , other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly - fish
  • The only way i know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe , and that for aught we know , other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jellyfish
  • The only way i know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little comer of the universe , and that for aught we know , other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly - fish
  • A softer beard : a softer brush if intentionally allowed to remain from shave to shave in its agglutinated lather : a softer skin if unexpectedly encountering female acquaintances in remote places at incustomary hours : quiet reflections upon the course of the day : a cleaner sensation when awaking after a fresher sleep since matutinal noises , premonitions and perturbations , a clattered milkcan , a postman s double knock , a paper read , reread while lathering , relathering the same spot , a shock , a shoot , with thought of aught he sought though fraught with nought might cause a faster rate of shaving and a nick on which incision plaster with precision cut and humected and applied adhered which was to be done
  • For aught i know , we should re - define peace in this way : so - called peace includes the matchable peace and the unmatchable peace . the matchable peace means the non - warfare among nations or parties of a nation . the unmatchable peace means the non - warfare between terrorist organizations and nations
  • At all events , the health of the good town of boston , so far as medicine had aught to do with it , had hitherto lain in the guardianship of an aged deacon and apothecary , whose piety and godly deportment were stronger testimonials in his favour than any that he could have produced in the shape of a diploma
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