I got along wonderfully with mr. honda . 我同本田先生的交道打得很不错。
Back then, honda didn't really want to make cars . 在那以前,本田公司并不真正打算生产汽车。
Takeo fujisawa, cofounder of honda motor company, once observed that "japanese and american management is 95 percent the same and differs in all important respects. " 本田汽车公司的创建人之一藤泽武夫曾经评论说:“日本的管理和美国的管理95是相同的,而所有重要的方面都不同。”
Honda also will not allow use of smokeless tobacco 本田汽车也不允许使用无烟的烟草。
Honda civic viii belt tensioner wrench Subaru力狮2500cc曲轴皮带盘支挡扳手
L ran that honda number , and it matches 我查了那辆本田车的号码,是一致的
Lifan pays 1 . 47 million yuan to honda for trademark infringement 去31页去32页去33页
You ' re nine - to - fiving it . you ' re driving a damn honda 你是朝九晚五的工薪族开着破本田车
Let me see , we have a honda odyssey , it ' s ok 让我看一下,我们有一辆本田奥德赛,可以吗?
The dashboard of your honda is covered by hundreds of small toys 你的车子里堆了无数玩偶