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用"homerf"造句"homerf"怎么读"homerf" in a sentence


  • 家庭射频


  • Homerf is not open and doesn " t suit the connection of portable device and ad hoc net
  • There are many ways to establish wpan such as irda , bluetooth , homerf , uwb and rf
    实现无线个人局域网的通讯技术有多种,目前使用的有irda 、 bluetooth 、 homerf 、 uwb和rf等。
  • Bluetooth is not the one and only wireless technologies , other such as : ida , homerf and ieee802 . il
    目前正在推出的还有其他无线连接和网络技术,如:红外线技术、 homerf以及ieee802 . 11 。
  • Now there are many wireless local network protocols that have been extensively used , those protocols contain bluetooth 、 ieee 802 . 11 series 、 homerf . . . etc . those wireless local network protocols all respectively contain it ' s own characteristics 、 different application situation and different physic layer
    目前广泛使用的无线局域网协议有蓝牙、 ieee802 . 11家族、 homerf等,这些局域网都分别有自身的特点、不同的应用场合以及与之相适应的物理层。
  • On swithching technique , there are wired standards as homepna and ieee 1394 , and wireless standards such as homerf , bluetooth . about the high level interconnect , there are havi for home video and audio connecting and control , sun ' s jini , osgi , and upnp from microsoft
    在物理层接入技术上,有homepna 、 ieee1394 , homerf 、 bluetooth等,在高层应用互联上,有用于家居网络中音频、视频设备的互联和控制方面的havi标准,有由sun公司提出的jini 。



HomeRF was a wireless networking specification for home devices. It was developed in 1998 by the HomeRF Working Group, a consortium of mobile wireless companies that included Proxim Wireless, Siemens, Motorola, Philips and more than 100 other companies.
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