homeless youths 《英文msh词典》Homeless Youths ; [入口词] Homeless Youths ; [主题词] Homeless Youth ; [英文释义] Runaway and homeless children and adolescents living on the streets of cities and having no fixed place of residence.
Come and have a homely meal with us, will you ? 来和我们一起吃顿家常便饭,好吗?
The place and the meal would have a more homely cook than ever . 住的,吃的,愈看愈不象话。
A homely example of such a system is the electric blanket . 这样一种系统的简单典型可举电毯为例。
He was a homely man . 他是位普通的男人。
There are some homely products like a jeep station wagon . 有一些很平常的产品,象客货两用吉普车。
The schoolmaster sat in his homely dwelling attached to the school . 学校的教师坐在和校舍相连的朴素住宅里。
Anna cowperwood was not pretty, though she could not be said to be homely . 安娜·柯柏乌长得并不美,可也不能说丑。
He was a dapper little irishman, very vain, homely as a monkey . 他是个短小精干的爱尔兰人,非常自负,丑得象只猴子。
He passed hours in the open air, sitting with folded hands like a placid, homely household god . 他每天要在户外待上几个钟头,交叉着双手坐在那里,就象一位安详慈爱的家庭守护神。
Lindemann could decipher the signals from the experts on the far horizons and explain to me in lucid, homely terms what the issues were . 林德曼能够辩认专家们从遥远的地方发来的信号,并用简明的通俗话给我解释是什么问题。