And you first moved to hoboken at what age 你搬来赫波根时有多大?
He lives in hoboken , nj 他现定居在新泽西州的霍波肯。
I live way over in hoboken . 我家还远在霍博肯。 ”
First baseball game under recognizable modern rules in hoboken , new jersey , united states 1846年的今天,首届应用了当代规则的棒球比赛在美国新泽西州的霍布肯举行。
Inventor john stevens " boat , the juliana , begins operation as the first steam - powered ferry ( service between new york , new york , and hoboken , new jersey ) 1811年的今天,发明家斯蒂芬制造的“茱莉安娜”号蒸汽船成为首艘在纽约市及新泽西州霍波肯之间提供渡轮服务的蒸汽机船。
Patrick bissell , a principal dancer with american ballet theatre , was found dead by his fiancie , amy rose , an abt soloist . december 29 , 1987 , at his home in hoboken , new jersey 1987年12月29日,帕特里克?比斯尔? ?美国芭蕾舞舞台上最出色的舞蹈家,被他的未婚妻艾米?罗斯发现死于新泽西州霍波肯(位于哈得森河畔且与曼哈顿对望)的家中。