Boy scouts take hikes through the woods . 童子军在树林里徒步旅行。
There will be a hike in prices in august . 八月物价将会上升。
I do n't feel up to a long hike today . 我今天不能走远路。
He had never fallen out on a hike . 他行军从不掉队。
The store hiked its prices . 商店提高了价格。
We'll put the old packs on our backs and get into the woods and really hike . 咱们背上旧背包,进入森林,真正地徒步旅行。
Repeated price hikes in the face of unchanging demand can be a formula for economic suicide . 在总需求不变情况下,一再提高价格,等于经济自杀。
Thus, wage hikes and promotions are not particularly accessible as rewards in the daily ebbs and flows of organizational life . 这样,在组织活动日复一日盛衰变化中,把提高工资和晋升作为奖励是不太现实的。
Hiking in the rockies , glowing with health 正在洛基山里远足,焕发着健康的气息
She asked me if she could go hiking with me 她问我她是否能和我一起去徒步旅行。
a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure; "she enjoys a hike in her spare time" 同义词:hike, tramp,
Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often in mountainous or other scenic terrain. People often hike on hiking trails.
hikingとは意味:hiking n. ハイキング. 【動詞+】 ◆We have always enjoyed hiking. 常にハイキングを楽しんできた. 【前置詞+】 ◆My wife and I are both into hiking. 妻も私もハイキングに凝っている ◆After one hour of hiking our legs hurt. 私たちは 1 時間もハイキングをすると脚が痛んだ.