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用"heyne"造句"heyne"怎么读"heyne" in a sentence


  • 埃内
  • 海恩
  • 海涅


  • Family tradition of lang heyne
    Lang heyne的家族传统
  • Lang heyne admire and venerate the great watch artists of former and present times
    , lang heyne都怀有非常敬佩之情。
  • The biggest challenge for the watchmakers lang heyne consists in creating and realizing their own ideas
    对lang heyne钟表师最大的挑战是创意及实现自己的创意。
  • The manufacture " lang heyne " is committed to this exclusive club of outstanding watchmakers
    他把这个世界一流俱乐部的宗旨,即钟表制作的艺术性和创造性作为lang heyne的口号。
  • Disagreement concerning the future of the business led to the resignation of mirko heyne in the summer of 2002
    由于对商业前景意见的不统一, mirko heyne于2002年夏天离开了这个公司。
  • For the first time , lang heyne has made it possible to indicate directly the degree of the sun to the equator at midday
    Lang heyne第一次把一个来自于多瑙河边乌尔姆的朋友同时也是钟表爱好者克劳斯
  • And last but not least , it is the contrast of the fine classical materials that makes this work to a genuine lang heyne watch
    还有非常重要的是那些精致的古典的制作材料,真正的lang heyne都是源自于由它们组成的机芯。
  • In addition to the wide knowledge of various antique makings , lang heyne also have the expertise of todays making and process engineering
    Lang heyne不仅对古典式钟表制作有深厚的功力,而且也掌握了现代的制作工艺和程序。
  • As with the other models of lang heyne , the model " moritz " is available in three different gold colours white , yellow and rose gold and with different hand variations
  • Sometimes , friends and watch enthusiasts give the impetus to particularly unusual watches and mechanics , which are made as individual pieces by lang heyne
    有时候朋友及钟表爱好者对钟表或对其机械有特殊的要求,就会让lang heyne进行单件制作。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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