Hexachlorobenzene for industrial use . methods of test 工业用六氯苯.试验方法
Workplace air - determination of hexachlorobenzene - gas chromatographic method 车间空气中六六六的气相色谱测定方法
Time - dependent desorption characteristics of hexachlorobenzene from red soil and huangni soil 六氯苯在红壤和黄泥土上的依时解吸特征
Study on screening of hexachlorobenzene anaerobic degrading bacteria and their degradation capability 六氯苯厌氧降解菌的筛选及其降解能力的研究
The effect of hexachlorobenzene on antioxidative enzymes and their isozymes of liver mitochondria of mice 六氯苯对大鼠肝脏线粒体抗氧化物酶同工酶的影响
In this study , hexachlorobenzene ( c6d6 ) was chosen as the assembling unit and reacted with sodium ( na ) to synthesize novel carbon materials through a wurtz reaction 实验选用六氯苯( c _ 6cl _ 6 )和金属钠( n _ a )作为原料,通过wurtz反应,在不同反应条件下合成出多种具有新颖中空结构和阵列结构的多孔碳材料。