

  • adv.



  • 例句与用法
  • The de courcy's were hereditarily shortsighted .
  • Theorem 4 space x is a cosmic space if and only if x is a - compact space with a - weakly hereditarily closure - preserving pair - networks
    , x 。具有。遗传闭包保持双网络当且仅当或者每x ‘ ,是cosmic空间且除可数个a外, x 。
  • We improved the theorem of inverse limits of hereditarily - normal spaces , and gave a simple proof of this result
    摘要讨论了-正规空间的逆极限性质,改进了文[ 7 ]中关于遗传-正规性逆极限保持定理,并给出一个简单证明。
  • The audition obstacle that if two ear appear , punishs severely , this kind of circumstance is the possibility that creates hereditarily wants a little bit big
  • On - weakly hereditarily closure - preserved family and cc - spaces in this paper , we discussed - weakly hereditarily closure - preserved family and cc spaces respectively
    本文主要由两个部分组成,分别讨论了-弱遗传闭包保持集族和cc _空间。
  • If have congenital drawback , be atavistic mostly , should grandson generation is shown , but drug is used when you narrate may fetal development or traumatic cause , belong to acquired reason , that won ' t arrive hereditarily next generation
  • Therefore , issr molecular markers are more suited than rapd molecular markers when testing the genetic diversity of ginkgo populations and determining the genetic relationship of among populations or among individuals which are much similar hereditarily
    因此,在研究亲缘关系非常近的银杏物种的遗传多样性并试图确定群体间或个体间的遗传关系时, issr分子标记技术比rapd分子标记技术更为合适。
  • Let x is the limit of the inverse system . suppose each projection is an open and onto map . and x is - paracompact . if each x is normal mesocompact , then x is mesocompact . moreover , we obtain the analogous result for hereditarily normal and hereditarily mesocompact properties
    | = ,假设每个投射_ : x x _是开的且到上的。 x是-仿紧的,如果每个x _为正规中紧的,则x是正规中紧的,进一步得到关于遗传正规且遗传中紧空间的结论。
  • In other words , d . burke and r . engelking and d . lutzer proved that a regular space is metrizable space if and only if it has a - hereditarily closure - preserving base in 1975 , and introduced weakly hereditarily closure - preserving families , which proved that a regular k - space has - weakly hereditarily x closure - preserving bases is metrizable space , too
    Burke , r engelking和d lutzer证明了正则空间是可度量化空间当且仅当它具有遗传闭包保持基,并引入了弱遗传闭包保持集族( weaklyhereditarilyclosure - preservingfamilies ) ,同时证明了具有弱遗传闭包保持基的正则的k空间是可度量化空间。
  • Are there similar characterizations for the countable paracompact ( mesocompact , metacompact ) space and hereditarily mesocompact space ? in this paper , on the basis of the aboves , we obtain some results about them . and the product properties of mesocompact spaces and hereditarily mesocompact spaces have been paid attention . but there is no good result about them . in this paper we obtain a result about the limit of the inverse system of a normal mesocompact space and a hereditarily normal and hereditarily mesocompact space
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