- hemiblocks [网络] 半阻断
- hemibipyramid 半双锥面
- hemibody irradiation 《英文msh词典》Hemibody Irradiation ; [主题词] Hemibody Irradiation ; [同义词] Half-Body Irradiation ; [同义词] Irradiation,Half-Body ; [同义词] Irradiation,Hemibody ; [同义词] Sequential Hemibody Irradiation ; [同义词] Systemic Hemibody Irradiation ; [入口词] Hemi-Body Irradiation ; [入口词] Half Body Irradiation ; [入口词] Half-Body Irradiations ; [入口词] Hemi Body Irradiation ; [入口词] Hemi-Body Irradiations ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiation,Sequential ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiation,Systemic ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiations ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiations,Sequential ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiations,Systemic ; [入口词] Irradiation,Half Body ; [入口词] Irradiation,Hemi-Body ; [入口词] Irradiation,Sequential Hemibody ; [入口词] Irradiation,Systemic Hemibody ; [入口词] Irradiations,Half-Body ; [入口词] Irradiations,Hemi-Body ; [入口词] Irradiations,Hemibody ; [入口词] Irradiations,Sequential Hemibody ; [入口词] Irradiations,Systemic Hemibody ; [入口词] Sequential Hemibody Irradiations ; [入口词] Systemic Hemibody Irradiations ; [中文释义] 半身照射 ; [英文释义] Irradiation of one half or both halves of the body in the treatment of disseminated cancer or widespread metastases. It is used to treat diffuse metastases in one session as opposed to multiple fields over an extended period. The more frequent treatment modalities are upper hemibody irradiation (UHBI) or lower hemibody irradiation (LHBI). Less common is mid-body irradiation (MBI). In the treatment of both halves of the body sequentially,hemibody irradiation permits radiotherapy of the whole body with larger doses of radiation than could be accomplished with WHOLE-BODY IRRADIATION. It is sometimes called systemic hemibody irradiation with reference to its use in widespread cancer or metastases. (P. Rubin et al. Cancer,Vol 55,p2210,1985)
- hemibiotrophic 半活体的
- hemibody irradiation,sequential 《英文msh词典》Hemibody Irradiation,Sequential ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiation,Sequential ; [主题词] Hemibody Irradiation ; [英文释义] Irradiation of one half or both halves of the body in the treatment of disseminated cancer or widespread metastases. It is used to treat diffuse metastases in one session as opposed to multiple fields over an extended period. The more frequent treatment modalities are upper hemibody irradiation (UHBI) or lower hemibody irradiation (LHBI). Less common is mid-body irradiation (MBI). In the treatment of both halves of the body sequentially,hemibody irradiation permits radiotherapy of the whole body with larger doses of radiation than could be accomplished with WHOLE-BODY IRRADIATION. It is sometimes called systemic hemibody irradiation with reference to its use in widespread cancer or metastases. (P. Rubin et al. Cancer,Vol 55,p2210,1985)
- hemibiotroph [网络] 半活养生物;半活体寄生物;半活养寄生物
- hemibody irradiation,systemic 《英文msh词典》Hemibody Irradiation,Systemic ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiation,Systemic ; [主题词] Hemibody Irradiation ; [英文释义] Irradiation of one half or both halves of the body in the treatment of disseminated cancer or widespread metastases. It is used to treat diffuse metastases in one session as opposed to multiple fields over an extended period. The more frequent treatment modalities are upper hemibody irradiation (UHBI) or lower hemibody irradiation (LHBI). Less common is mid-body irradiation (MBI). In the treatment of both halves of the body sequentially,hemibody irradiation permits radiotherapy of the whole body with larger doses of radiation than could be accomplished with WHOLE-BODY IRRADIATION. It is sometimes called systemic hemibody irradiation with reference to its use in widespread cancer or metastases. (P. Rubin et al. Cancer,Vol 55,p2210,1985)
- hemiberlesia rapax 棕栉圆盾介壳虫
- hemibody irradiations 《英文msh词典》Hemibody Irradiations ; [入口词] Hemibody Irradiations ; [主题词] Hemibody Irradiation ; [英文释义] Irradiation of one half or both halves of the body in the treatment of disseminated cancer or widespread metastases. It is used to treat diffuse metastases in one session as opposed to multiple fields over an extended period. The more frequent treatment modalities are upper hemibody irradiation (UHBI) or lower hemibody irradiation (LHBI). Less common is mid-body irradiation (MBI). In the treatment of both halves of the body sequentially,hemibody irradiation permits radiotherapy of the whole body with larger doses of radiation than could be accomplished with WHOLE-BODY IRRADIATION. It is sometimes called systemic hemibody irradiation with reference to its use in widespread cancer or metastases. (P. Rubin et al. Cancer,Vol 55,p2210,1985)
- hemiberlesia pitysophila 松栉圆盾介壳虫