Chest wall hemangiopericytoma : case report 胸壁血管外皮细胞瘤1例
The patient underwent left thoracotomy with tumor resection , and a final diagnosis of primary mediastinal hemangiopericytoma was made 此病患接受了肿瘤切除术,最后的诊断为原发性纵膈腔血管外皮细胞瘤。
Endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy was performed to remove the tumor by an otolaryngologist and the histopathologic examination reported a hemangiopericytoma 最近半年左眼内訾处有一无痛性、逐渐膨出的肿块。
To our knowledge , only 20 cases of primary mediastinal hemangiopericytoma have been reported in the english literature , but no patient was reported with calcification 就我们所知,仅有20例原发性纵膈腔血管外皮细胞瘤曾被报告于英文文献中,且尚无一例发现钙化的现象。