

  • n.
    (工具的)柄〔尤指斧柄〕。 throw the helve after the hatchet 1. 〔谚语〕赔了夫人又折兵〔接连遭受损失〕。 2. 全部放弃。 3. 孤注一掷,一不做二不休。



  • 例句与用法
  • The axe go to the wood where it borrow its helve
  • Rather throw the helve after the hatchet , and leave your ruins to be repaired by your prince
  • The serial number of furcated needle is composed of three sections including 11 digital codes : the first section ( 1 - 5 digits ) is the standard size of international general mode ; the second section of the 6th digital code is the location of bending helve ; in the third section , except letter h representing " hengxiang " brand , the other group of digits represent the characters different parts of pricker
    叉形针的编号由三部分共11位代码组成:第一部分( 1 - 5位)是国际通用方式的标准尺寸;第二部分即第6位代码表示弯柄位置;第三部分除英文字母h代表“恒翔”牌外,其余一组数字表示叉形针的各部特征。
  • In allusion to its blemish , we can see clearly that consists in two sides : inefficient as well as nullification . as a tentative schedule , uphill - gathering method was born . no other than put the axe in the helve , uphill - gather method was designed to enhance the efficiency of creating the combined financial statement and the quality of accounting information
  • The beyond is the simple notation of serial number of pricker , totaled 7 digits of codes , in which the first digit represents the diameter of needle - bar of pricker , the second digit represents the siding of triangle side on functional section of pricker , the third digit represent the length of functional section of pricker , whereas in standard notation , it represents the distance from needlepoint to gradual deflating small port ( lower port ) , the fourth digit represents the total length of pricker , which is the distance from the inside of bending helve to the needlepoint , the fifth digit represents the total quantity of dents on the cording of functional section , and the sixth digit represents the model of barb on functional section , while the seventh digit represents the distance between barbs on functional section
  • 英文解释
  • the handle of a weapon or tool

  • 其他语种释义
  • helveとは意味:{名} : 柄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {他動} : ~に柄を付ける -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】he'lv
  • 推荐英语阅读
helve的中文翻译,helve是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译helve,helve的中文意思,helve的中文helve in Chinesehelve的中文helve怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
