

  • 头朝前
  • 头朝下
  • 头向前地 不顾前后地



  • 例句与用法
  • A coon comes down a tree headfirst for most of the way , then finishes the descent tailfirst
  • Hermione stupefies him , and he falls headfirst into the bell jar , his head turning into a baby ' s
  • Koluk the polar bear goes headfirst into the pool at the albuquerque rio grande zoo in albuquerque , n . m . , on july 15
  • A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst , with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother ' s pelvis and tailbone
  • Koluk the polar bear goes headfirst into the pool at the albuquerque rio grande zoo in albuquerque , n . m . , on july 15
    7月15日,在美国新墨西哥州格兰惠河动物园里,一只北极熊把头伸进水塘里喝水。 (多像一个刚洗过晾晒的狗熊玩具! )
  • A computer scientist at ucla poses by a projected computer image of a skeleton diving headfirst down a staircase at his office
  • In the eventful eighth , jeter was caught between first and second on a botched hit and run with bobby abreu at the plate , but slid headfirst back into the first base bag safely
  • In the eventful eighth , jeter was caught between first and second on a botched hit - and - run with bobby abreu at the plate , but he slid headfirst back into the first - base bag safely
  • Chinese gymnast wang yan , whose age was given as 15 or 16 , fell from the bars headfirst during sunday ' s final in shanghai , breaking her neck and losing consciousness
    中国体操运动员王燕,她的年龄在15 16岁之间。星期日在上海的决赛中从高低杠上摔了下来。她头部落地,脖子被摔断,失去了知觉。
  • A dive executed by jumping headfirst , bending the body at the waist , and , with the legs straight , touching the feet with the hands before straightening out to enter the water hands first
  • 英文解释
  • with the head foremost; "the runner slid headlong into third base"
    同义词:headlong, headlong,

  • with the head foremost; "the runner slid headlong into third base"
    同义词:headlong, headlong,

  • with the head foremost; "a headfirst plunge down the stairs"; "a headlong dive into the pool"

  • 其他语种释义
  • headfirstとは意味:{形?副} : 真っ逆さまの[に]、大急ぎの[で]、向こう見ずな[に]、軽率{けいそつ}な[に] He went headlong [headfirst] into the cold winds despite the warnings. 彼は注意を無視して、いちもくさんに冷たい風の中を出掛けていった。 They've come to a headlong [headfirst] conclusi...
  • 推荐英语阅读
headfirst的中文翻译,headfirst是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译headfirst,headfirst的中文意思,headfirst的中文headfirst in Chineseheadfirst的中文headfirst怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
