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用"hdp"造句"hdp"怎么读"hdp" in a sentence


  • 变化中的人文领域计划
  • 二甲基嘧啶
  • 螺旋减稳定蛋白质,螺旋失稳蛋白
  • 全球环境变化人文计划
  • 水平钻井技术
  • 硬盘管理员密码


  • When you ' re with a loving person , this is wonderful ; with an hdp , it creates wars straight out of the mesozoic era
  • An hdp perceives threat coming from lots of sources ; one day the enemy may be a coworker , the next a relative , the next an entire nation
  • Conclusion hdp has definite effect for the treatment of ap due to chd classified as qi - deficiency and blood - stasis syndrome , having no toxic and side effects
  • Objective to evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of huangqi danshen drop pill ( hdp ) for angina pectoris ( ap ) due to coronary heart disease ( chd ) classified as qi - deficiency and blood - stasis syndrome
  • Methods k multi - center , randomized , double - blind , double - simulation , positive - controlled , parallel group trial was adopted 209 cases of ap due to chd classified as qi - deficiency and blood - stasis syndrome were enrolled in this study : 104 in hdp group and 105 in yangxinshi tablets group
    方法采用随机、双盲双模拟、阳性药平行对照、多中心临床研究方法,将209例受试者分试验组104例(黄芪丹参滴丸) ,对照组105例(养心氏片) 。


  • hdp 意味
  • hdp en francais
  • hdpとは意味

    HDP {略} : Human Dimensions Program on Global Environmental Change 地球環境変化{ちきゅう かんきょう へんか}の人的側面{じんてき そくめん}の研究計画{けんきゅう ...

hdp的中文翻译,hdp是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译hdp,hdp的中文意思,hdp的中文hdp in Chinesehdp的中文hdp怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。