A light harrowing will follow to cover the seed . 再用轻耙在后面盖种。
I did not harrow our hostess with all that . 我没有用些事情去折磨我们的女主人。
This ground harrows well . 这块地好耙。
The most urgent and harrowing housing needs have remained much the same over the last two centuries . 最为紧迫和苦恼的住房需要两个世纪以来几乎景况依然。
The president-elected is liberated from the harrowing uncertainty, the physical and psychological battering, of his struggle for the great prize . 总统当选人在争取这一伟大荣誉的斗争中,曾受到肉体和精神上的折磨,因前途未定而感到苦恼,现在精神上得到解脱了。
I think this is the harrowing thing in the world 我觉得这是世界上最悲惨的事情。
The farmer's harrow was broken during his working 农夫正在劳动的时候,耙子断了。
Operation quality of deep soil scarification and harrow 深松耙茬机械作业质量
The farmer's harrow was broken during his working 农夫正在劳动的时候,耙子断了。
For example, eton college and harrow school 比如,伊顿学院和哈罗学校。