There is a melody which she plays on the harpsichord with the touch of an angel . 她在琴键上用天使一般的技巧奏出美妙的音调。
By a harpsichord maker in italy 由意大利一位伟大的键琴制作者
Charge for use of musical instrument per function charges for use of piano harpsichord include the service for one tuning only 租用钢琴古键琴只包括1次调音服务,额外调音服务由场地调音承办商向租用人收取费用
By the time he was 14 , mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord , piano and violin , as well as for orchestras 在莫扎特14岁的时候就已写了许多大键琴曲,钢琴曲和小提琴演奏曲,同时也写了很多适合乐队演奏的曲子。
Scheide is a founding member and remains an advisory board member of both the san diego harpsichord society and the western early keyboard association 沙伊德尔博士是圣地牙哥古键琴协会和西方早期键盘联会的创会成员,至今仍为其顾问委员会委员。
After studying mathematics , work in biochemistry , and a career as a harpsichord maker , david jencks returned to an early interest in software engineering 研究过数学,从事过生物化学,做过大键琴制作者之后, david jencks又对软件工程发生了兴趣。
The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century by a harpsichord maker in italy ( though musicologists point out several previous instances of the instrument ) 18世纪早期的意大利,钢琴在一位拨琴钢琴制造者手中得到完善(尽管音乐理论家们指出有更早的例子) 。
Until about 1770 pianos were abiguous instruments , tansitional in construction and uncertain in status . as modified harpsichords or clavichords their outward appearance and quality of sound betrayed their origins 直到1770年左右造型传统、地位不明的钢琴仍是一种模棱两可的乐器。作为大键琴或翼琴的改进版,钢琴出色的表现和音质将它的祖先远远的抛在了后面。
A keyboard is a set of levers or keys , to be depressed by the fingers of a player on the piano , harpsichord , clavichord or similar keyboard instrument , or on the manual by the fingers , or on the pedals or pedal - board of the organ with the feet 键盘是一组杠杆或音键,由演奏者用手指在钢琴,羽管键琴,翼琴或类似的键盘乐器上按压,或者用手指按压风琴的键盘,或用脚踩管风琴的踏板或脚键盘。
The enterprising artist has collected the best joropo works for traditional harp and bandola from the andes and the llanos , the great plains of the orinoco and amazon basins , creating a new repertoire full of delightful hints of the spanish baroque harpsichord 来自哥伦比亚的卡德隆精研荷罗波joropo乐派,她撷取了这种源自安第斯山脉奥里诺科河及亚马逊河盆地最优秀的竖琴及班多拉琴乐章,改写为充满西班牙巴罗克式古钢琴风格的乐曲。