Impact of implementation of harmonisation of pre - primary services 实施协调学前服务的影响
Harmonisation of vocabularies for elearning 在线课程学习的语义协调配合
Pbdh product and business data harmonisation 产品和商业数据协调
Element concerns the harmonisation of standards in the financial system 项元素涉及划一金融体系的标准。
European politicians began puzzling over tax harmonisation in 1962 欧洲政客从1962年就开始苦思税收协调。
Internationalisation of sif and harmonisation with other specs standards Sif国际化和其他规范标准的协调性
Consultation document of working party on harmonisation of pre - primary services 协调学前服务工作小组谘询文件
Senior education officer ( harmonisation of pre - primary services ) , education and manpower bureau 教育统筹局高级教育主任(协调学前服务)
But just talking about tax harmonisation brings some finance ministers out in a rash 但仅仅是讨论税收协调就使得某些财政部长急得团团转。
Railway applications - fixed installations - harmonisation of the rated values for converter groups and tests on converter groups 铁路设施.固定装置.变流器组额定值和变流器组试验的一致性