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用"hardwar"造句"hardwar"怎么读"hardwar" in a sentence


  • 哈德瓦
  • 哈德沃
  • 赫尔德瓦尔
  • 赫里德瓦尔


  • Hardwar ? who are these girlfriends in hardwar
  • P . s . before i come home i ' m stopping at hardwar to meet
  • Easy2fax fax hardwar
  • In the following two chapters , the hardwar e and software design of the digital control system is dissertated in detail
  • In this thesis , the basic requirement and hardwar system structur of large - sized generator fault recorder are presented according to the fault feat [ lf of large - sized genebor . a l6 bits mi board h l6 chaxmels high speed synchronous saxnpling is developed
  • It is shown that our presented circuit model was correct . secondly , on the basis of analghng the fhahon of pcd reader of contactless ic card , the softwar flow chat of cothetless ic card controller based on chip - thoing algorithin and the hardwar circuit and anenna of the reader were designed
  • Compared with the existing theory , this paper point out the tree - factors frame for the first time , meanwhile the m & a motivation is emphasized as a key role . at the same time , this paper taking the collective infection between sobo and hardwar into consideration also
  • These years people are trying to apply control arithmetic more advanced , such as adaptive control , fuzzy control and expert systerm etc , so we decided to design a hardwar & software bench which can be used to test these control arithmetic , it can simply but independently contrl the process of al electrolysis , and also can control the process according to the better arithmetic which is inputted by users
    近年来人们又在尝试采用更先进的控制算法(比如自适应控制,模糊控制,专家系统等) ,因此我们设计了用于试验控制算法的软硬件平台,它既可以独立地对电解槽作简单的控制,也可以按照用户输入的控制算法进行更加优化的控制。
  • To simulate and emulate the image processing algorithms in software and hardware , the universal image processing platforms of software and hardwar e have been built . as a result , the realization process of infrared image processing is decomposed to serials of subprocesses including algorithms research , software simulation , hardware emulation , and transfer to target system , thus reduces the difficult of development , lessens the risk of investment , speeds the development , and provides a good basis to future works
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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