16 hanbali a a , altman e , nain p . a survey of tcp over mobile ad hoc networks . available at http : www . inria . fr rrrt rr - 5182 . html , may 2004 . 17 jain s , lv y , das s r . exploiting path diversity in the link layer in wireless ad hoc networks 我们指出,这些非拥塞因素包括易损耗的无线信道mac层中的过度竞争和不公平接入节点移动脆弱的路由协议不适合的拥塞窗口不对称路径。
The Hanbali () school (madhhab) is one the schools of Fiqh or religious law within Sunni Islam. The jurisprudence school traces back to Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d.