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用"halvorsen"造句"halvorsen"怎么读"halvorsen" in a sentence


  • 哈尔沃森


  • Her great - great - grandfather august halvorsen hilton was born on the family farm hilton , at kl ? fta , just outside oslo , norway before emigrating to the us with his family at age 10
    她的高祖父八月halvorsen hilton出生在家庭农场hilton ,在kla ,外部奥斯陆,挪威在移居到美国之前与他的家庭在年10 。
  • Halvorsen , arriving from abroad , was the first to use the automatic customs machine , which became operational on april 1 . public nrk television said she declared an extra bottle of wine , and pictures showed she paid the duty by bank card before walking out with a receipt in her hand
  • Passengers arriving at norway ' s busiest airports can declare their additional tipple or cigarettes to an automatic teller instead of a customs officer in what oslo says is a world first . " this will enable us to use our personnel to fight more serious smuggling , " finance minister kristin halvorsen was quoted as saying by daily aftenposten
    据路透社4月2日的报道,挪威aftenposten日报在相关文章中援引该国财政部长克莉丝汀哈尔沃尔森的话说: “这样做可以使我们能够腾出充足的人手来对付那些更为严重的走私行为。 ”


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