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用"hach"造句"hach"怎么读"hach" in a sentence


  • 阿奇
  • 哈赫
  • 上海世禄仪器有限公司


  • The manometric apparatus described in this section is the hach model 2171 .
  • Leg press hach squat machine
  • If the kits seem to catch on for arsenic tests , hach may develop cheap test kits to measure fluorine levels as well
  • Complete supplier of chemicals , handling and application equipment , test equipment ( hach ) , and on line analysers ( hach ) for the water and wastewater industry
  • Liuqiang , charge the sales business of semiconductor / electronic market in hach ( china ) _ company . he take the responsibility of supply support for hua ' s products applying in electronic market
  • Gu xingcheng , electronics & life science sales manager of hach ultra analytics , majored in industrial automation instrument and graduated from east china institute of chemical technology and also is mba of fudan university , worked for foxboro and honeywell before join hach ultra analytics
    顾星成,现任哈希超纯公司电子和制药销售经理,毕业于华东化工学院工业自动化仪表专业,是复旦大学mba ,曾在福克斯波罗和霍尼韦尔公司工作。
  • ( 4 ) tc is difficult to be desorbed when preequlibrated water is used as desorption solvent under aerobic and anaerobic conditions . under anaerobic condition , the desorption rate of tc rises with the increase of hach concentration it appears that the tc sorption process is dominated by oxidation - reduction mechanism
    ( 4 )在大气和低氧条件下,以预平衡水做解吸剂时, tc难于解吸下来,随着h2o2浓度的增大,解吸率升高,得出tc在花岗岩上的吸附为不可逆的氧化还原吸附机理。
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