The guant namo inmates should be tried or released 而美国却不时地背叛自己的价值标准。
Let ' s just get out of here before i end up in guant namo bay 让我们在被这群家伙干掉之前离开这里
Let ' s just get out of here before i end up in guant namo bay 让我们在被这群家伙干掉之前离开这里
David hicks was sentenced to seven years in prison by a military tribunal at guant namo bay 关塔那摩的军事特别法庭判处大卫?希克斯七年的监禁。
But the tribunals are expected to try only 60 - 80 of the more than 380 prisoners currently in guant namo 但是军事法庭只希望审判现今超过380名关塔那摩囚犯中的60 - 80名。
But the tribunals are expected to try only 60 - 80 of the more than 380 prisoners currently in guant namo 但是此次审判也就判决关押在关塔那摩基地的380多名嫌犯中的仅仅60 - 80名。
She stands by her statement : like the gulag , guant namo “ puts people outside the rule of law ” , she says 她忠于她的声明:她说,就如古拉格一样,关塔那摩“将人置于法治之外” 。
Nor is it an accident that anti - americanism has fed off those instances , such as guant namo bay , where america has seemed most un - american 在关塔那摩之类的事件中,美国已经不再像美国,反美主义从中渔利也不是偶然。
Yet the comparison seems odd in scale and in principle : the gulag embodied the soviet system ; guant namo is a blot on the american one 然而,这一对比在规模和原则上显得有些怪异:古格拉式苏维埃制度的体现;而关塔那摩则是美国的一个污点。
Iraq , katrina and guant namo have become globally recognised one - word indictments of an administration that has been simultaneously incompetent and cavalier 在国际上,伊拉克战争,飓风卡特里娜,关塔那摩监狱,已被视作对美国政府外表风度翩翩内在却软弱无能的一字控告。