She longed to travel as her eyes and her mind travelled, south, south to the azure skies, to the lands of beauty and sunshine beyond the greyness . 她渴望随同她的眼光和心灵一块去旅行,往南去,去到南方蓝色的天宇之下,越过阴霾的天地,进入那美好与阳光的国土。
An axiomatic definition of degree of greyness of grey number 灰数灰度的一种公理化定义
Now , these things were like grey clouds hovering along the horizon of a clear day . they threatened to cover and obscure his life with chilly greyness 如今,这些事情就像是晴朗的天边铺着的阴云,威胁着要将他的生活笼罩和遮蔽在阴冷灰暗之中。
It was true , there seemed a ghost - glimmer of greyness in the open space of the park . he suddenly drew her to him and whipped his hand under her dress again , feeling her warm body with his wet , chill hand 真的,在空旷的园中,有着一种幽灵似的灰星的徽光,突然地,他把她拉了过去,重新在她的衣裳下面摸抚着,他的湿而冷的手,触着她的温暖的肉体。
a neutral achromatic color midway between white and black 同义词:gray, grayness, grey,