He bought a greatcoat for himself of soothing proportions . 他给自己买了一件尺码肥大舒适的大衣。
And at the end of it, to be flighted to death ! he said, opening his greatcoat, which he held bundled up in his arms 他说,打开他的大衣,这件大衣是被他裹成一团抱在怀里的。
Then dragging himself unsteadily along in his greatcoat, he took his departure, grumbling and looking as annoyed as a man who has been rudely disturbed 随后,他穿着拖到地上的长袍,步履蹒跚地走了,嘴里嘀咕着,一副不高兴的样子,像被人打扰了似的。
All the men wear full kit, including the rolled greatcoat, which seems unlikely while serving stationary guns as it would only serve to incumber the men and make them hot 所有的人都有全套装备,包括卷起的大衣,不过这里不大可能用到因为它会防碍炮手的行动并且让他们很热。
Another one came towards them, walking pluckily alone without his gun, groaning aloud and wringing his hands from the pain of a wound from which the blood was flowing, as though from a bottle, over his greatcoat 他们遇见的另一个伤员,没有带枪,强打精神,独自步行,哼哼地大声喊叫,新伤口使他痛得不住地晃动手臂,手上的鲜血像从玻璃瓶中溢出似地流到他的大衣上。
The troops knew of the emperors presence, and were on the lookout for him . when they caught sight of his figure in his greatcoat and hat standing apart from his suite in front of his tent on the hill opposite, they threw up their caps and shouted, 部队官兵知道皇帝来了,他们用眼睛寻找他,而当发现山上帐篷前面一个远离随从们的身穿常礼服的戴着帽子的人影时,都把自己的帽子抛向空中,高呼:“viveiempereur!”
This man was dressed in a greatcoat, or rather a surtout, a little worse for the journey, but which exhibited the ribbon of the legion of honor still fresh and brilliant, a decoration which also ornamented the under coat . he might be recognized, not only by these signs, but also from the accent with which he spoke to the postilion, as a frenchman 这人穿着一件外套,确切地说,是一件紧身长外套,穿了这种衣服旅行是不十分舒服的,但它却把鲜明灿烂的荣誉团军官的缎带显示出来,他外套下面的上装上佩着一枚勋章,这两个标志以及他对车夫讲话时的口音都可以看出他是一个法国人。
The former was a boy of fourteen, but when he drew out what had been a fiddle crushed to morsels in the greatcoat, he blubbered aloud; and cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father to teach her cleaner manners 辛德雷是一个十四岁的男孩,可是当他从大衣里拉出那只本来是小提琴,却已经挤成碎片的时候,他就放声大哭。至于凯蒂,当她听说主人只顾照料这个陌生人而失落了她的鞭子时,就向那小笨东西呲牙咧嘴啐了一口以发泄她的脾气,然而,她这样费劲却换了他父亲一记很响亮的耳光,这是教训她以后要规矩些。