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用"grass-seed"造句"grass-seed"怎么读"grass-seed" in a sentence


  • 草籽


  • When the fire had at last been put out , the forest authorities ordered several tons of special type of grass - seed which would grow quickly
  • The four trainees who just returned from canada were invited to give lectures on special subjects : learn from canadas expertise on husbandry management to realize rotational grazing in north - western sichuan , the application of canadas forage seed production technology in the grass - seed production in pasturing areas in north - western sichuan , and the application of canadas forage grass planting technology in rangeland improvement in north - western sichuan . meanwhile , the four trainers led the participants to visit the pilot pastureland for rotational grazing and the field school of forage grass planting , providing on - site explanation
    特邀参加加拿大牧草技术培训的四名学员,分别作了“借鉴加拿大放牧管理技术实现川西北牲畜划区轮牧” “加拿大牧草种子生产技术在川西北牧区草种生产中的应用” “加拿大牧草栽培技术在川西北牧区草地改良中的应用”专题培训,同时,带领参训人员到牲畜轮牧示范场,牧草栽培田间学校进行了参观并进行田间现场讲解。
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