Traditional grammarians are not comfortable about this new approach 传统语法学家不喜欢这种新方法。
I am about to-- or i am going to-- die : either expre io i correct . ? ? dominique ouhours, french grammarian 我将或者我即将--死去:两种表达方式都正确。??法国语法学家伯阿沃斯d
I am about to-- or i am going to-- die : either expression is correct . ? ? dominique bouhours, french grammarian 我将或者我即将--死去:两种表达方式都正确。??法国语法学家伯阿沃斯d
It was a controversial issue for the linguists and grammarians whether to take a prescriptive or a descriptive attitude towards the study of grammar or language at large 摘要规定还是描写曾是西方语言学界特别是语法学家们争论的一个焦点问题。
The main claim is that an autonomous syntactic module in the human mind as proposed by generative grammarians is unsustainable, and it is misleading to separate grammar from context in language studies 作者主张所谓的自给自足的句法部门并不存在,将文法和语境的研究完全分离是错误的。
Psycholinguistic studies, neurolinguistic methodologies and the science of biology, may provide the ultimate answer to whether there is an innate core of grammar which can indeed be clearly separated from the influence of performance factors, as generative grammarians claim 到底文法是不是一种天生的语言核心,如同衍生文法家所言,可以和语用完全脱节,可能终究还是需要心理语言学、神经语言学和生物学方面的研究来定案。
I have, therefore, received a very good education, and have been treated by these kidnappers very much as the slaves were treated in asia minor, whose masters made them grammarians, doctors, and philosophers, in order that they might fetch a higher price in the roman market . 小亚细亚的奴隶主常常培养他们的奴隶当文法教师医生和哲学家,以便可以在罗马市场上卖个好价钱,那些拐子待我也正是这样,所以我倒受了很好的教育。”
This ode seems to owe its position at the head of pindar's extant works to aristophanes the grammarian, who placed it there on account of its being specially occupied with the glorification of the olympic games in comparison with others, and with the story of pelops, who was their founder 这首颂歌是由语法学家阿里斯多芬放到品达现存作品中第一的位置,因为它特别地把奥林匹克竞技的荣誉与其他竞技会做了比较,并谈及佩罗普斯这位奥林匹亚竞技会的创立者的故事。
From alexander the grammarian, to refrain from fault-finding, and not in a reproachful way to chide those who uttered any barbarous or solecistic or strange-sounding expression; but dexterously to introduce the very expression which ought to have been used, and in the way of answer or giving confirmation, or joining in an inquiry about the thing itself, not about the word, or by some other fit suggestion 从文法学家亚历山大那里,我学到了不吹毛求疵,不用责备的语调责骂那些说出任何野蛮的、失礼的或闻所未闻话语的人;而是巧妙地导向不管是回答问题还是给予证实的恰当表达,或是一起弄清问题而不纠缠于词句,或者提出其他合适的建议。