Chemical control of continuous cropping disease on gladiolus hybrid 唐菖蒲重茬病害的化学防治试验
Briefon tissue culture of gladiolus 唐菖蒲组织培养浅探
Storage technique of gladiolus 唐菖蒲种球周年贮藏技术
Studies on quntity classification of general species of gladiolus hybridus hort 唐菖蒲常见品种数量分类初探
Current advances of thepostharvest physiology and fresh-keeping technology of cut gladiolus 唐菖蒲切花的采后生理和保鲜研究进展
A study on cold storage and regenerated viability in cultured gladiolus hybridus in vitro 唐菖蒲组培脱毒苗冷贮时限与再生能力的研究
Effects of different planting time on growth and development of gladiolus stolon and cormel 唐菖蒲种球种植期对匍匐茎和子球生长发育的影响
Quietly, unassumingly, rumbold stepped on to the scaffold in faultless morning dress and wearing his favourite flower the gladiolus cruentus 朗博尔德身穿笔挺的常礼服,佩带着一朵他心爱的血迹斑斑的剑兰花217,安详谦逊地走上断头台。
Visit a patient : the horse's hoof lotus of optional element static quietly elegant, plain coloured cang lan, gladiolus, carnation expresses to send one's respects to, wish recover at an early date 探望病人:可选素静淡雅的马蹄莲、素色苍兰、剑兰、康乃馨表示问候,并祝愿早日康复。