Pug's cable from pearl harbor had both gladdened and humiliated kirby . 帕格从珍珠港发来了海底电报,使柯比既高兴又感到惭愧。
Do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies 勿使亲者痛仇者快。
Bright eyes gladden the heart; good news puts fat on the bones 箴15:30眼有光使心喜乐好信息使骨滋润。
Doggie fart, gladdens my heart 狗放屁,乐开怀
Wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread that sustains his heart 15[和合]又得24酒能悦人心,得25油能润人面,得粮能养人26心。
In articles nowadays people often quote the saying, " do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies . 现在许多人的文章上常常有一句话,说是“无使亲痛仇快”。
[niv ] wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread that sustains his heart 15[和合]又得24酒能悦人心,得25油能润人面,得粮能养人26心。
gladdening words ! it seemed i could hear all that was to come-whatever the disclosures might be-with comparative tranquillity 我似乎觉得,不管他会透露什么消息,我会比较平静地去倾听。
I took out a tight wad of dividend warrants ringed with a rubber band, and the records in the wad would have gladdened the heart of a broker 我拿出一迭用橡皮筋扎紧的股息单,记在这迭单子上的数字原本会使一个经纪人非常开心的。
She was brimming over with love and happiness as soon as nikolay came home, and this girls faithful, steadfast love for him gladdened his heart 自从尼古拉回来以后,索尼娅完全陶醉在幸福和爱情之中,这个少女那忠实的坚定不移的爱情,真使他心旷神怡。