Much as he loves her , he does get annoyed with her sometimes 他虽然很爱她,有时候还会对她发火
I told her to take it easy , but she just got annoyed all the more 我告诉她坦然一些,但她变得更加烦恼了。
She rapped again unwearyingly ; she called him and began to get annoyed 她又拼命地敲门,叫丰唐的名字,她发怒了。
You won ' t get annoyed 你不会苦恼的
He turned around without caring me , and i knew he got annoyed by my words 他背过身去不理我,我知道他肯定是被我的话惹恼了。
We were all starting to hover around in the kitchen and my mother was getting annoyed 我们开始在厨房里来回转悠,把母亲都惹恼了。
Tom always gets annoyed when i beat him at cards ; tom ' s a bad loser 当我在打牌时把汤姆打输了,汤姆总是生气,汤姆是一个输不起的人。
If websites takes more than few second to load , people tend to get annoyed and browse through another website 如果网站下载时间超过几秒,访问者会登录其它网站。
At a cocktail party , the lawyer was getting annoyed at the number of people who kept asking for free advice 鸡尾酒会上,一位律师总是被人免费咨询,感到十分苦恼。
" who put you up to all this ? " the old man remarked of the little boys when he got annoyed with their practical jokes 老人对小男孩们的恶作剧感到恼怒,质问他们: “谁叫你们搞这些鬼把戏的? ”