Presenting father garegin nersesyan of st . etchmiadzin church with us 20 , 000 将两万美元捐款支票交给圣伊须
A meeting was scheduled in the cathedral where we delivered a us 20 , 000 check to his holiness garegin nersisyan 代表团也来到天主大教堂,并将美金两万元的支票交给加雷根内瑟扬神父。
Upon the initiates arrival at st . mariam astvatsatsian church also known as st . etchmiadzin church , father garegin nersesyan accepted a check of us 20 , 000 代表们来到了圣玛莉安阿斯瓦撒森教堂又名圣伊须米辛教堂,由神父加雷根内瑟扬代表教堂接收了美金两万元的支票。
Father garegin nersesyan was very touched and said , " i have heard many people express many great things about supreme master ching hai . i regret that i did not have the honor of meeting her when she visited the church personally 神父加雷根内瑟扬感动之馀,说道:我听到许多人对清海无上师的赞誉,很遗憾她访问教堂时我未能与她谋面,希望将来可以如愿以偿。