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用"galan"造句"galan"怎么读"galan" in a sentence


  • 戈蓝
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  • " it appears the prince was n ' t poisoned after all , " the convent ' s sister maria jesus galan said on saturday
    该修道院的修女玛丽亚哈兰说: “这个结果告诉我们,王子压根儿就不是被人毒死的。 ”
  • I need to take most of our forces to capture isabel , galan . the more i think of tieru ` s words , the more worried i am for ashan
  • We all believe the ones that come true - with hindsight . besides , my father spoke to me of this one . so , galan , do we know which child was so marked
  • Examinations of the prince s body have found no trace of cyanide , arsenic , mercury or any other poison his uncle , enrique , was believed to have used to kill him , according to the convent where the prince s remains have lain since 1409 . " it appears the prince wasn t poisoned after all , " the convent s sister maria jesus galan said on saturday
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