Using their usual humor , gadgetry , bravery and family bonds . . . 数量有限,售送完即止!
The latest in electronic gadgetry 最新的电器发明。
While the joys of gadgetry may seem obvious to aid workers , how much has it really done to help victims 虽然对援助人员来说,这些小器件带来的欣喜可能是显而易见的,但他们在帮助受灾者方面实际又有多大作为呢?
Our contemporary culture so obsessed with the internet , tv , and computer gadgetry provides people with fewer and fewer opportunities to observe things closely 现代人的文化深受互联网电视及电子仪器的束缚,使人们近距离观察事物的机会愈来愈少。
In a world besotted with gadgetry , few consumer products have generated as much excitement ? and head - scratching ? as high - definition television 在这个到处都被小玩意冲昏头脑的世界里,很少有消费品像高清晰电视一样让人激动人心同时又令人哭笑不得。
For years , innovators have tried to devise computerized gadgetry to aid the brain . advances have come slowly , but new work unveiled in recent months has sparked enthusiasm 人的意识总会受到不相干的干扰,为此,科学家们一直尝试用一些计算机辅助措施来帮助大脑工作。最近的一项新成果就激起了人们的热情。