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用"fyodorovna"造句"fyodorovna"怎么读"fyodorovna" in a sentence


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  • Anisya fyodorovna came in and stood with her portly person leaning against the doorpost
  • Then anisya fyodorovna brought in preserves made with honey and with sugar , and ham and a chicken that had just been roasted
  • All these delicacies were of anisya fyodorovnas preparing , cooking or preserving . all seemed to smell and taste , as it were , of anisya fyodorovna
  • Anisya fyodorovna withdrew . rostov and the uncle , as they sipped cherry brandy after supper , talked of hunts past and to come , of rugay and ilagins dogs
  • Its a long while since i have handled it . i had quite given it up ! anisya fyodorovna went very readily with her light step to do her masters bidding , and brought him his guitar
  • The smiling face of anisya fyodorovna appeared again in the doorway and other faces behind her . for the water from the well , a maiden calls to him to stay ! played the uncle
    阿尼西娅费奥多罗夫娜的笑脸又在门口出现了,她后面还露出另外几张面孔他弹奏着汲那清凉的泉水,姑娘喊一声“你等一等! ”
  • He is a poor creature , it appears , that baron . prince vassily would have liked to see his son appointed to the post , which people were trying , through the empress marya fyodorovna , to obtain for the baron
    Cestunpauvresire , cebaron , cequilparait , ”瓦西里公爵想把儿子安插到这个职位上,而大家却在千方百计地通过玛丽亚费奥多罗夫娜为男爵谋到这个职位。
  • The empress marya fyodorovna , anxious for the welfare of the benevolent and educational institutions under her patronage , had arrangements made for the removal of all the institutes to kazan , and all the belongings of these establishments were already packed
  • Who could fail to understand ? not nikolay only , but even natasha understood the uncle now and the significance of his knitted brows , and the happy , complacent smile , which puckered his lips as anisya fyodorovna came in
  • Anisya fyodorovna flushed , and hiding her face in her kerchief , went laughing out of the room . the uncle still went on playing the song carefully , correctly , and vigorously , gazing with a transformed , inspired face at the spot where anisya fyodorovna had stood
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