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用"furlanas"造句"furlanas"怎么读"furlanas" in a sentence


  • n.
  • [意大利语]
  • 佛拉纳舞
  • 佛拉纳舞曲
  • "furlanettoes" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 聂托 ; (furlanetto 的复数)
  • "furlana" 中文翻译 :    n. ; [意大利语] ; 佛拉纳舞 ; 佛拉纳舞曲
  • "furlans" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 弗留利语 ; (furlan 的复数)
  • "furlable" 中文翻译 :    furlable ; adj. ; furl的变形 ; furl ; [f?:l] ; vt. ; 卷起,卷(旗、帆等);折叠,折拢(扇子);收拢(伞);拉拢(帷): ; to furl the sails of a ship ; 卷起船帆 ; 弃绝(希望) ; vi. ; (旗、帆等)卷起;(扇子)折拢;(伞)收拢 ; n. ; 一卷东西 ; 卷;折,收叠,收拢
  • "furled" 中文翻译 :    vt. 叠,卷收;收拢 ; vi. 收拢,卷起 ; n. 卷起,折叠;卷起之物
  • "furkling" 中文翻译 :    to furkle [v] - 1) to rummage around; to search. 2) to muck about. [often misspelled as "searching"] ; > After much furkling, Will discovered that his new word "furkling" was acknowledged by only 238 people worldwide. ; > Karan furkled around in her handbag for her pen, while Will less-than-calmly tried to explain what "furkling" was. ;
  • "furlength" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 长度
  • "furkles" 中文翻译 :    furkle-verb ; to search and fumble about for something, perhaps furtiveley ; > She furkled up the bishop's robe to help him find his tassles. ; > She furkled up his inside leg to find his leg measurement. ;
  • "furlers" 中文翻译 :    (furler 的复数) 卷起者
  • "furkle" 中文翻译 :    furkle-verb ; to search and fumble about for something, perhaps furtiveley ; > She furkled up the bishop's robe to help him find his tassles. ; > She furkled up his inside leg to find his leg measurement. ;
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