It novel in design , device made up of cup of body and lid , cups of body is it is it connect with cloud line silk place to collude to adorn all over the body , get up by three groups of out of shape kui phoenix designs it , make at china waist fretwork , similar to by cloud not annular , decorated with the line beasts on it 其设计新颖,器由樽体和盖两部分组成,樽体周身饰勾连云纹为锦地,其上隐起三组变形的夔凤纹,在中腰镂空作把,形如环形云,其上饰以兽面纹。
Bamboo art can be roughly classified as bamboo fretwork , woven bamboo items , bamboo skewer craft , glued bamboo items , bamboo carvings and spatial installations . representatives of these types are exhibited in each display area while this area provides a more general introduction to the traditional bamboo hollowing , weaving and carving crafts . the tools used and the processing of the raw materials is also explained here 竹工艺大致可分为凿制竹器竹编器物竹签工艺胶合竹器竹雕工艺及空间装置等,除了各展区有成品展出外,本区对较传统的凿制竹编竹雕等做个概念性的说明,顺便将工具使用与生料处理加以介绍。
framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal 同义词:lattice, latticework,