Though gas meters were considered more difficult to tamper with, this had not deterred some ambitious freeloaders . 虽然人们认为煤气表更难捣鬼,这并没吓住那些野心勃勃的想占便宜的人。
She won ' t be like all the other freeloaders 她不会像其他占便宜的人那样。
I stopped being a freeloader at home since my college graduation 自从我大学毕业后,就不在家里白吃白住了。
Talk about your friends . they are all freeloaders . youcan never expect any one of them to help you 说到你的那些朋友,都是些爱占便宜的人。指望他们帮你,没门。
But , as its members say sternly , it is not a site for dating , or for freeloaders 然而,就像使用者坚决表示的,这不是个交友网站,也不是让人拿来找白吃白喝旅游的。
Talk about your friends . they are all freeloaders . you can never expect any more of them to help you 说到你那些朋友,都是些爱占便宜的人。指望他们帮你,没门儿。
Talk about your friends , they are all freeloaders , you can never expect any one of them to help you 说到你的那些朋友,都是些爱占便宜的人。指望他们帮你,没门儿。
But she refused to become a freeloader and tried very hard to find a job to support herself 但是,她却不甘心做一个坐享其成的人,下了很大工夫去找工作来养活自己。 ”
Jo : oh go on then , you ' re not really a freeloader ! anyway we ' ve reached the end of the programme . that ' s all from real english and bbc learning english for today 真想不到你会认为我是白吃白喝、吃白食的人。为了证明你是错误的,今天的晚饭我请,现在你可以收回你那句话了吗?
A freeloader that can spread only when its host reproduces ought not to be overly harmful : too much damage to its unwilling benefactor will affect the parasite ' s own chances to procreate 吃白食的若只能随宿主的繁殖而散播,就不该明目张胆地使坏:要是寄生虫将不情愿的施主伤得太重,自己的繁殖机会也跟著遭殃。