

  • 鸟痘, 传染性上皮瘤, 触染性上皮瘤



  • 例句与用法
  • Recombinant fowlpox viruses ( rfpvs ) coexpressing mdv gb and aiv ha gene were constructed by using different promoters of ps and p7 . 5
    2 、共表达aivha基因和ndvf基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建。
  • Construction of recombinant fowlpox virus coexpressing aiv ha and ndv f . for the construction of transfer vector pfgs11haf , aiv ha gene of f strain in puc18ha and ndv f gene of f48e8 strain in puc19f were removed and inserted into pfgs11 . recombinant fowlpox viruses ( rfpv ) coexpressing aiv ha gene and ndv f gene were constructed by using different promoters of ps and pe / l . recombinant rfpvs were derived by dosper liposome - mediated transfection with the two transfer vectors on chicken embryo fibroblast ( cef ) monolayer cultures which were infected by wild type fpv chinese vaccine strain 282e4 3 - 4 hours earlier
    Puc18ha和sk质粒同时经hind 、 kpn酶切后连接得中间质粒skha ;将质粒skha用bamhi酶切回收ha基因插入到插入载体pfgs11中的bamhi位点,通过酶切鉴定获得了pfgs11ha ;将含ndvf基因的质粒puc19f用hind 、 sal酶切经klenow酶补平插入到经sma酶切后的skifn中pe / l启动子下获得中间质粒skf ,再将质粒skf和puc18质粒先分别用ecor 、 xho酶切klenow补平,后再共同用sac酶切连接得puc18pelf , sal酶切回收pe / l - f基因盒插入到pfgs11ha的sal位点,通过酶切鉴定获得了pe / l - f与ps - ha同向的表达载体pfgs11haf 。
  • In this study , the recombinant fowl - poxvirus was transfected into expressing the vp3 gene of isolated gpv h1 strain into the cef cells with fpv - 017 by liposome , which have the lacz reporter gene , earlier / latter promoters lp2ep2 of fpv , promoters p7 . 5 and p7 . 1 of vaccinia virus , replication unnecessary region of fpv - 017 . following 6 cycles screenings , clonings , purification of blue plaques , detection of pcr and dot - elisa , which verified the genetic stable vp3 - fowlpox virus recombinant constructed successfully . this study provided the theoretical and practical foundation for development of gpv recombinant fowl - poxvirus genetic engineering vaccine , as well as provided substance preparatory for prevention the high mortality gpv
    本研究采用脂质体转染方法,将含有完整gpvh1分离株vp3基因、报告基因lacz 、禽痘病毒早晚期启动子lp2ep2 、痘苗病毒启动子p7 . 5 、 p11和fpv - 017复制非必须区的转移载体质粒psy681vp3lacz与fpv - 017共转染鸡胚成纤维细胞,经6轮蚀斑克隆、筛选、表达, pcr鉴定和dot - elisa检测,证明该重组病毒已构建成功,并获得了遗传性状稳定的鹅细小病毒vp3基因的重组禽痘病毒。
  • The purpose of this study was to clone the major structural protein vp3 gene of gpv hl isolate after pcr , and express by protokaryotic and eukaryotic expressing system , then develop molecuiar diagnostic reagent of goose piaque and construct recombillat fowlpox vina life vector vaccine
    利用pcr方法扩增和克隆gpvh1分离株主要免疫原性蛋白基因vp3 ,并对其进行原核和真核表达,是建立小鹅瘟分子诊断方法、构建vp3基因重组禽痘病毒活载体疫苗的基础,具有极为重要理论和实践意义。
  • 百科解释
Fowlpox is a worldwide disease of poultry caused by viruses of the family Poxviridae and the genus Avipoxvirus. The viruses causing fowlpox are distinct from one another but antigenically similar, possible hosts including chickens, turkeys, quail, canaries, pigeons, and many other species of birds.
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